GST Number Search by Name | GSTIN Verification Online

admin Goyal Mangal & Co
4 min readJun 3, 2021


What is GSTIN?

GSTIN is also known as GST Number or GST Registration Number. GSTIN (Goods and Services Tax Identification Number) is 15 digits alpha-numeric number (PAN based registration number) which is allotted at the time of issuing registration certification . There can be multiple GSTIN for a single person, for every State or Union Territory in which such person operates from. It becomes compulsory to get registered under GST and obtain a GST number when the taxable person crosses the threshold limit for GST registration.

A taxpayer’s GST number is a public information. Any person can carry out a GST number search in order to verify its authenticity, from anywhere and at any time. It is important to undertake GST number verification before proceeding with a business deal.

GSTIN structure consist of:

  • First 2 numbers- State code of the registered person
  • Next 10 characters -PAN of the registered person
  • Next 13th number-Entity number of the same PAN
  • Next 14th character — Alphabet Z by default
  • Last 15th number — Check code which may be alpha or digit, used for detection of errors

How does the GSTIN Number Search by Name tool work?

The GST Number Search by Name tool helps businesses and consumers verify any GSTIN with a single click. In all a user has to do is enter the name of the business entity and the details will be shown immediately. This feature can be used by anyone and any time, free of cost, provided they have the name of the respective business entity.

Advantages of the GSTIN Number Search by Name tool:

The advantages of verifying a GSTIN using the GSTIN Number Search by Name tool are:

  • Any GSTIN’s authenticity can be verified just by name even if we don’t have GSTIN.
  • If the GST Number on a hand-written invoice is unclear, the vendor’s name can be used to display the GSTIN
  • You can prevent your business from associating with fraudulent vendors who are using fake GSTINs
  • As a consumer, you can verify if the business charging you GST is an actual registered supplier under GST or not.
  • Can Avoid a GSTIN fraud
  • Help your business to rectify any potential errors while reporting GSTINs

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How to use the GSTIN Number Search by Name Tool?

All you have to do is-

  1. Enter the name of a business entity
  2. Click on “Search” button

If the name entered belongs to a registered entity under GST, then the details that can be verified are-

  • The legal name of the business
  • The State
  • The date of registration
  • The constitution of the business — whether company, sole-proprietorship or partnership
  • The taxpayer type –is a regular taxpayer or composition dealer
  • The GSTIN status / UIN status

What is GSTIN?

GSTIN is also known as GST Number or GST Registration Number. GSTIN (Goods and Services Tax Identification Number) is 15 digits alpha-numeric number (PAN based registration number) which is allotted at the time of issuing registration certification . There can be multiple GSTIN for a single person, for every State or Union Territory in which such person operates from. It becomes compulsory to get registered under GST and obtain a GST number when the taxable person crosses the threshold limit for GST registration.

A taxpayer’s GST number is public information. Any person can carry out a GST number search in order to verify its authenticity, from anywhere and at any time. It is important to undertake GST number verification before proceeding with a business deal.

GSTIN structure consists of:

  • First 2 numbers- State code of the registered person
  • Next 10 characters -PAN of the registered person
  • Next 13th number-Entity number of the same PAN
  • Next 14th character — Alphabet Z by default
  • Last 15th number — Check code which may be alpha or digit, used for detection of errors

How does the GSTIN Number Search by Name tool work?

The GST Number Search by Name tool helps businesses and consumers verify any GSTIN with a single-click. In all a user has to do is enter the name of the business entity and the details will be shown immediately. This feature can be used by anyone and any time, free of cost, provided they have the name of the respective business entity.

Advantages of the GSTIN Number Search by Name tool:

The advantages of verifying a GSTIN using the GSTIN Number Search by Name tool are:

  • Any GSTIN’s authenticity can be verified just by name even if we don’t have GSTIN.
  • If the GST Number on a hand-written invoice is unclear, the vendor’s name can be used to display the GSTIN
  • You can prevent your business from associating with fraudulent vendors who are using fake GSTINs
  • As a consumer, you can verify if the business charging you GST is an actual registered supplier under GST or not.
  • Can Avoid a GSTIN fraud
  • Help your business to rectify any potential errors while reporting GSTINs

How to use the GSTIN Number Search by Name Tool?

All you have to do is-

  1. Enter the name of a business entity
  2. Click on the “Search” button

If the name entered belongs to a registered entity under GST, then the details that can be verified are-

  • The legal name of the business
  • The State
  • The date of registration
  • The constitution of the business — whether company, sole-proprietorship or partnership
  • The taxpayer type –is a regular taxpayer or composition dealer
  • The GSTIN status / UIN status



admin Goyal Mangal & Co

Goyal Mangal & Co., a Chartered Accountant firm, founded in 2011, by CA Pulkit Goyal with the enthusiasm of providing the best consultancy and proficiency.